Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Impact of Example

The Impact of Example

The servants of the Lord or the Apostles of the Lord as referenced in 1 Corinthians 8 of the New Testament in the Kings James Bible are to be good stewards and examples of the word. They are to be faithful, wise in Christ—strong and honorable. They are also to be meek and will likely be despised for God’s sake—and suffer it. They are to be labors in the field and are called to warn all. These attributes are not singular to the apostles only, but are attributes all of Christ disciples should seek to obtain. 

In the Alma 39 of the Book of Mormon we learn just how important being a good example can be. The prophet in counselling his son informs us all the dangers of being a bad example in that we would lead the hearts of many people to destruction. He goes on to say that we should refrain from our iniquities and basically calls us to repentance. In 3 Nephi we learn that it is only true and just men who can deliver the word and work miracles and unless they are clean they cannot serve with authority. 
When I first joined the Church I kept experiencing a surprise reaction from my friends and coworkers when they would discover that I am a Latter-day Saint. They would all say things like, really? You are Mormon? I don’t see it.  This caused me to take a big look inward. What kind of example was I living if people were surprised to find out I am LDS? I prayed to know what to do and what to change and acting in faith adjusted my behavior to better reflect the things I believe. Now when people find out that I am Mormon, they say I thought you might be. I like that reaction a lot better. 

Because I choose to live my testimony; I can bear witness of the things I know to be true and have them rest on the heart of those that hear my testimony. People no longer doubt that what I believe, but are more curious than ever. I know that when we live according to the teachings of the Jesus Christ, his apostles, and prophets we can truly hasten the work of salvation in these latter days.

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