Be Thou an
Example of the Believers: 1 Timothy 1–6
Our Bodies are Like
The Apostle Paul in his everlasting wisdom counselled the
sisters of the church to dress modestly—to reverence their bodies and not to adorn
them with costly apparel (see 1 Timothy 2:9-10). Later we would learn that this
council was not exclusive to the sisters only, but to all the saints; women and
men alike. The Doctrine and Covenants teaches us what God says to one, he says
to all (see D&C 61:18, 36). Our brothers should also be wise to Paul’s
council and avoid immodestly and costly apparel. You might ask why it is so
important we reverence our appearances in such a way. The Book of Mormon
Prophets as well as Moses of the Old Testament has said that God made us in his
own image—if we are made in his image, shouldn’t we reverence that image as we
reverence our Lord? Furthermore the scriptures teach us that our bodies are in
fact like temples that house our very souls. If you have ever been in a temple,
you might recall just how prevalent reverence is. The walls are white, the
halls are silent, everything is clean, and well groomed. As we past from
mortality to immortality our body will be reunited with our soul once more and
there it will be housed forever and ever (see Moses 6:9; Mosiah 2:37; Alma 41:2).
Knowing that this is the only body I get—ever; I want to treat it a whole lot
better than I do now. Each of us is in fact God’s children and as such, each of
us is a glimpse of what he looks like.
An Apostasy Foretold
As an apostle of the Lord Paul not only could witness of
Christ majesty, but he could also warn of things to come. 1 Timothy is an
example of Paul’s warning to the Saints. He told them that there a time would
come when many would fall away from the church following false doctrines and flatteries.
False prophets would come speaking lies and there would be hypocrites all of
which would become spiritually blinded by their own foolishness. Paul also
talked of those that would refuse to marry living in sin and indulge in worldly
pleasures. They would be glutens of God’s creations avoiding his council to or substance
and provident living. Paul’s reminder that all things were meant for our benefit
and that we should give thanks was an indication that these things were already
taking place and that an apostasy was inevitable. (See 1 Timothy 4:1-5)
New Missionaries & Young People Alike
told Timothy that no man should despise the youth because they are an example of
the believer in the world, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith,
and in their purity. This is how our young people should act and as they do,
they will be an influense for good on all those around them. This change is not
exclusive to non-members only, but to the less active and active alike. I know
from time to time I find myself acting in an unbecoming way only to be reminded
my a young person that I shouldn’t say or do the things I was doing. Our young
people are often the strongest in example and so Paul’s counsel applies to us
Money is the Root of
All Evil:
wise friend Paul taught that money is the root of all evil and counseled the
saints to be happy with what they have and to strive after righteousness,
godliness, faith, love patience, and meekness. Those that chose otherwise often
find themselves trapped in the tempter snare. They become lost in their foolishness
and hurtful lust—drowned in destruction and perdition. Men of God will be wise
to humble themselves before the Lord and find content with what they have. (See
1 Timothy 6:7-11)
we are counseled to but the kingdom of God before the treasures of the world
and by doing so, we will be rewarded with the things we need and will the
ability to help others as well. (See 1 Timothy 6:17–19 and Jacob 2:18–19)
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