Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The Lord Appoints and Instructs Seventy

In the tenth chapter of Luke, the Lord, being Jesus Christ calls his seventy and sends them out into the world in pairs just like modern day missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He instructs them to take not concern for themselves and councils them to leave their money and worldly possessions behind.  Sending them as lambs into world of wolves, He asks them to trust in Him, to focus on proclaiming his word. They are to go from place to place, town to town greeting all those that would receive them with a salutation of peace, invoking the Spirit wherever they go. Christ gave them power to tread on serpents and scorpions, they being evil spirits and again counseled His seventy to rejoice in the Lord and not in the powers he grants them, for their names are written in Heaven. 

Articles of Faith 1:6
We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.” Lds.org 

The Lord has appointed a quorum of seventy to go forth and proclaim the gospel in every city and place even in these the latter days of the final dispensation. And once more the harvest it truly great and the labors are few, so just like when Christ walked the earth, he has need for said laborers to reap the good harvest. Furthermore the council to heal the sick and preach the repentance still applies and is done with authority and instruction from the Lord to the seventy.

A Brief Testimony

I have met these special missionaries and received instruction from them. They are wise in the ways of the Lord and are humble in that knowledge, baring their testimonies wherever they go. They inspire Christ’s disciples and preach repentance unto all. I know that they are truly messengers of the Lord and are appointed or called to do His work. 

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