Summary of The Day of Pentecost
The day of Pentecost was a day of celebration
fifty days after Christ resurrection. On that day many were visited by the
Spirit of the Lord. They spoke in other tongues, received great visions, and prophesies
were made. The apostle Peter taught that this was a fulfillment of Joel’s prophesies
and that Christ had truly risen by the hand of God. Peter also fulfilled his
role as a special witness of Jesus Christ in testifying of Christ innocence, crucifixion
and his resection. Additionally Peter proclaimed that Christ’s disciples were
not drunken like it was supposed by the many onlookers. Furthermore Peter cried
out to the people to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins and
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was said that they gladly received his
word and were baptized that same day. It was also noted that they continued in steadfastness
in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship breaking bread and praying. Many theologians
refer to this event as the birthdate of the Christian church.