Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Baptism of Jesus Christ

Topic Choices:

Choice 1: Matthew 3:13–17. The Baptism of Jesus Christ

Review Matthew 3:13–17 and the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 3:16, “What Is the Significance of the Holy Ghost Descending ‘like a Dove’?” (pg. 28–29). Then write answers to the following questions:
  • Why was John hesitant to baptize Jesus?
  • What is taught here about the Holy Ghost? 
  • Jesus Christ said He must be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness.” List three reasons why Jesus Christ was baptized (see 2 Nephi 31:6–11).
  • What evidence is found in Matthew 3:16–17 that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are three separate personages in the Godhead?

·         Why was John hesitant to baptize Jesus, who wouldn’t be? John like any of us felt inferior to the Savior, and knowing that he was the Savior, felt unworthy to baptize him. My first thought would have been something similar to John’s, that is, I have needed to be baptized of thee.

·         The Holy Ghost has been called to be a witness of all things that are true. When the Holy Ghost descended like a dove, he witness that all righteousness had been fulfilled like Christ said. The dove being a symbol of the testifier appeared for all to see and for all to know that this was good.

·         Jesus was baptized to fulfill all righteousness.
o   Jesus was baptized to show obedient in keeping the commandments.
o   Jesus was baptized to show us the way (follow his example).
o   Jesus was baptized to show us humility.

·         God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three separate beings. If Heavenly Father proclaims he is well please in his son for all to hear, with Christ being in the flesh, then, they must be two.

In same, the Holy Spirit made himself manifest in the form of a dove. All three were witnessed in their different forms. I had a missionary explain it to me like this; Jesus was not a ventriloquist throwing his voice to the heavens to trick his disciples. He did not use smoke and mirrors to create an illusion of the dove (Holy Spirit).

Friday, September 20, 2013

Finding Principles Week One

  1. If I remain righteous and faithful, then Heavenly Father will answer my prayers. (Luke 1:11-17)
  2. If thou are among the elect of God, or are a disciple of Christ, then thou must avoid wine and strong drink.  (Luke 1:15)
  3. If I obediently and faithfully go and do as the Lord instructs, like Mary, and Nephi, then all things are possible and nothing is impossible.  (Luke 1:38)

Others Who Learned of the Birth of Jesus Christ

1. Fill in the chart below as you study the scriptures indicated.

How they learned about the Savior
What they knew about the Savior
What they did with their knowledge
Luke 1:39-45
The Spirit made it known unto her.
She new that he was in fact the Savior, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
She rejoiced with Mary.
Luke 2:8-18
An angel of the Lord appeared unto them and declared the Savior's birth.
They learned that he was born, and that he was in a stable, and that they should go to him, and they should tell all about him.
They told everyone that would listen, and even those that would not.
The Holy Ghost was upon him.
He knew that he would not die before seeing the Savior.
He blessed the babe, and Mary, and Joseph. He also
prophesied and told Mary of a sign that would come.
Luke 2:36-38
Through fasting and prayer both day and night.

Surly she knew that he would come, having spent most of her life in service at the temple.

She testified of the things that she knew to be true and gave thanks.
Wise Men
Mathew 2:1-18
They learned of Christ birth by the appearing of a new star in the East.
They knew he had been born and that he would be a governor that shall rule Israel.
They went to see and worship the Lord. And to protect him, they returned not to Herod.
Mathew 2:1-18
The 3 wise men and his own chief priest and scribes.
That a babe was born that would threaten his

authority as king over the people.
He sent to have the Savior killed, and in so doing, ordered all children ages two and younger to be murdered.
Chief Priest
Mathew 2:1-6
Through the scribes and scriptures.
They new that a Savior had been born to redeem the world. For it was written.
They confessed unto Herod.
3 Nep 1:12-22

The Lord himself told of his coming to Nephi.

They knew that he would come and that there would be a sign to make it known.

Accepted it as truth and became converted or rejected it as lies and remained in their sins.

2. What do I know about the Savior, how have I learned it, and what am I doing with what I know?

I know that the Savior lives, that he is my Lord and my God. I know that his church has been restored to the earth. Heavenly Father has gifted the world these truths through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the scriptures, including the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and other doctrines. As a disciple of Christ, I take this message and share it wherever I can. I bare my witness to you that I know these things to be true and all that desire to know them as well, can and will find them too.